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HPLC Capillary Tubing

HPLC Capillary Stainless Steel Tubing

uHPLCs is a professional manufacturer of stainless steel capillary tubing for HPLC systems.

We offer an extensive range of tubing options with inner diameters of 0.12 mm, 0.17 mm, and 0.25 mm to cater to the diverse requirements of high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) applications.

Our stainless steel tubing is meticulously crafted to provide superior strength, corrosion resistance, and optimal flow characteristics, ensuring precise and reliable performance in analytical processes. Each piece of tubing undergoes rigorous quality control to maintain consistent wall thickness and smooth internal surfaces, reducing the risk of blockages and enhancing separation efficiency.

We are committed to delivering exceptional products that support the advanced needs of the scientific and industrial communities. Our HPLC capillary stainless steel tubing is trusted by researchers, laboratories, and industrial operations worldwide for its unmatched quality and performance.

HPLC capillary stainless steel tubing for sale

HPLC Capillary Stainless Steel Tubing for sale

HPLC capillary tubing for sale

Stainless Steel HPLC HPLC Capillary Tubing High Pressure

HPLC Capillary Tubing with Connector HPLC Column

1/32  HPLC Capillary Tubing Size Option

Volume RingSizePart Number
HPLC Capillary 1/32 Inner size 0.17mm90P8F0B-00287
HPLC Capillary 1/32 Inner size 0.17mm100P8F0B-00326
HPLC Capillary 1/32 Inner size 0.17mm105P8F0B-00288
HPLC Capillary 1/32 Inner size 0.17mm150P8F0B-00289
HPLC Capillary 1/32 Inner size 0.17mm160P8F0B-00335
HPLC Capillary 1/32 Inner size 0.17mm200P8F0B-00336
HPLC Capillary 1/32 Inner size 0.17mm220P8F0B-00290
HPLC Capillary 1/32 Inner size 0.17mm230P8F0B-00327
HPLC Capillary 1/32 Inner size 0.17mm250P8F0B-00291
HPLC Capillary 1/32 Inner size 0.17mm280P8F0B-00337
HPLC Capillary 1/32 Inner size 0.17mm300P8F0B-00292
HPLC Capillary 1/32 Inner size 0.17mm320P8F0B-00328
HPLC Capillary 1/32 Inner size 0.17mm350P8F0B-00293
HPLC Capillary 1/32  Inner size 0.17mm400P8F0B-00338
HPLC Capillary 1/32 Inner size 0.17mm450P8F0B-00294
HPLC Capillary 1/32 Inner size 0.17mm550P8F0B-00295
HPLC Capillary 1/32 Inner size 0.17mm600P8F0B-00296
HPLC Capillary 1/32 Inner size 0.17mm900P8F0B-00297
HPLC Capillary 1/32 Inner size 0.12mm90P8F0B-00298
HPLC Capillary 1/32 Inner size 0.12mm105P8F0B-00299
HPLC Capillary 1/32 Inner size 0.12mm150P8F0B-00300
HPLC Capillary 1/32 Inner size 0.12mm200P8F0B-00329
HPLC Capillary 1/32 Inner size 0.12mm220P8F0B-00301
HPLC Capillary 1/32 Inner size 0.12mm250P8F0B-00302
HPLC Capillary 1/32 Inner size 0.12mm280P8F0B-00330
HPLC Capillary 1/32 Inner size 0.12mm300P8F0B-00303
HPLC Capillary 1/32 Inner size 0.12mm310P8F0B-00331
HPLC Capillary 1/32 Inner size 0.12mm350P8F0B-00304
HPLC Capillary 1/32 Inner size 0.12mm450P8F0B-00305
HPLC Capillary 1/32 Inner size 0.12mm550P8F0B-00306
HPLC Capillary 1/32 Inner size 0.12mm600P8F0B-00307
HPLC Capillary 1/32 Inner size 0.12mm700P8F0B-00308
HPLC Capillary 1/32 Inner size 0.12mm1000P8F0B-00332

1/16  HPLC Capillary Tubing Size Option

Volume RingSizePart Number
HPLC Capillary 1/16 Inner size 0.25mm50P8F0B-00311
HPLC Capillary 1/16 Inner size 0.25mm100P8F0B-00276
HPLC Capillary 1/16 Inner size 0.25mm150P8F0B-00282
HPLC Capillary 1/16 Inner size 0.25mm200P8F0B-00283
HPLC Capillary 1/16 Inner size 0.25mm280P8F0B-00284
HPLC Capillary 1/16 Inner size 0.25mm400P8F0B-00285
HPLC Capillary 1/16 Inner size 0.25mm500P8F0B-00351
HPLC Capillary 1/16 Inner size 0.25mm 1000P8F0B-00346
HPLC Capillary 1/16 Inner size 0.25mm 1500P8F0B-00340
HPLC Capillary 1/16 Inner size 0.13mm 50P8F0B-00312
HPLC Capillary 1/16 Inner size 0.13mm 300P8F0B-00341

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Main Features :

Main Features of HPLC Capillary Stainless Steel Tubing

*High Precision Inner Diameters:

Available in 0.12 mm, 0.17 mm, and 0.25 mm to suit various HPLC applications.

*Superior Strength and Durability:

Made from high-quality stainless steel for enhanced durability and long-term use.

*Excellent Corrosion Resistance:

Resistant to chemical corrosion, ensuring longevity and reliability in various environments.

*Consistent Wall Thickness:

Ensures uniform performance and reduces the risk of blockages or flow inconsistencies.

*Smooth Internal Surfaces:

Minimizes turbulence and facilitates efficient, uninterrupted flow of liquids.

*High Pressure Tolerance:

Designed to withstand the high pressures commonly used in HPLC systems.

*Wide Compatibility:

Suitable for a broad range of HPLC systems and applications, providing versatility and ease of integration.

*Rigorous Quality Control:

Each piece undergoes thorough inspection and testing to ensure top-notch performance and reliability.

*Customizable Lengths:

Available in various lengths to meet specific requirements and preferences.

*Easy Installation:

Designed for straightforward installation and maintenance in HPLC setups.

1. Hassle-Free
Before & After Servic

2. Quality Management Test Before Mass Manufacture

3. Rigorous Production Process

How to Choose Right High Pressure HPLC Capillary Stainless Steel Tubing ?

Choosing the right high-pressure HPLC capillary stainless steel tubing is crucial for optimal performance and accurate results in your chromatographic system. Here are some key considerations to help you make the right choice:

1. Determine the Inner Diameter

  • Sample Volume and Flow Rate: Select the inner diameter based on your sample volume and desired flow rate. Smaller diameters (e.g., 0.12 mm) are suitable for lower flow rates and small sample volumes, while larger diameters (e.g., 0.25 mm) can handle higher flow rates and larger sample volumes.

2. Assess Pressure Requirements

  • System Pressure: Ensure the tubing can withstand the maximum pressure of your HPLC system. High-pressure applications require tubing with high tensile strength and pressure tolerance.

3. Consider the Chemical Compatibility

  • Solvent and Sample Compatibility: Choose tubing made from materials resistant to the solvents and samples used in your analyses to prevent corrosion and contamination.

4. Evaluate the Tubing Length

  • System Configuration: Select the appropriate length to fit your system’s configuration, minimizing dead volume and ensuring efficient flow.

5. Check for Surface Finish Quality

  • Smooth Internal Surface: Ensure the tubing has a smooth internal surface to minimize friction and prevent sample loss or degradation.

6. Quality and Manufacturing Standards

  • Consistency and Reliability: Opt for tubing from reputable manufacturers like uHPLCs, which adhere to stringent quality control measures to ensure consistent wall thickness and reliable performance.

7. Budget Considerations

  • Cost vs. Performance: Balance your budget with the required performance. Higher-quality tubing may have a higher initial cost but can provide better reliability and longevity, reducing long-term expenses.

8. Customization Options

  • Specific Needs: If you have unique requirements, look for suppliers that offer customizable options to tailor the tubing to your specific needs.

By carefully considering these factors, you can select the right high-pressure HPLC capillary stainless steel tubing that meets your application’s demands, ensuring optimal performance and accurate analytical results.

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Why Use HPLC Capillary Tubing ?

HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography) relies on capillary tubing for a few key reasons:

  • Minimizing Band Broadening: HPLC aims to separate very similar compounds. Capillary tubing, with its small diameter, reduces the space a sample can wander within the flow path. This minimizes “band broadening” – the spreading out of the sample as it travels through the system. Sharper peaks in the final analysis lead to better separation and identification of components.

  • High Pressure Applications: HPLC uses high pressure to push the mobile phase (solvent) through the column. Capillary tubing, typically made from strong stainless steel, can handle this pressure without bursting.

  • Reduced Dead Volume: The smaller diameter of the tubing minimizes the volume of mobile phase held within it. This “dead volume” can cause unwanted mixing and band broadening. Less dead volume means sharper peaks and better resolution.

  • Inertness: Ideally, the tubing shouldn’t interact with the sample. Stainless steel is a good choice for most samples, but for biomolecules, PEEK lining or even bio-inert titanium tubing might be preferred to minimize unwanted adsorption.

When We Should Use HPLC Capillary Tubing ?

You should use HPLC capillary tubing whenever you’re running an HPLC analysis and need:

  • High Resolution Separations: If you’re trying to separate very similar compounds, the narrow diameter of capillary tubing minimizes band broadening, leading to sharper peaks and better resolution in your final chromatogram.

  • High Pressure Applications: HPLC uses high pressures to push the mobile phase through the column. Capillary tubing, typically made from strong materials like stainless steel, can handle these pressures without bursting.

  • Minimal Sample Interaction: The inertness of the tubing material is important to avoid unwanted interactions between the sample and the tubing itself. Stainless steel is a good choice for most samples, but for biomolecules, PEEK lining or even bio-inert titanium tubing might be necessary to minimize adsorption.

Here are some specific scenarios where HPLC capillary tubing is essential:

  • Separating complex mixtures: If your sample contains a large number of closely related compounds, capillary tubing is crucial to achieve good separation and identify individual components.

  • Analyzing small samples: The small volume of the tubing minimizes dead volume, which is especially important when working with limited sample amounts.

  • HPLC with small particle size columns: Modern HPLC often utilizes columns packed with very small particles. These columns require the use of capillary tubing to minimize band broadening and maintain efficiency.

  • UHPLC (Ultra High Performance Liquid Chromatography): UHPLC operates at even higher pressures than traditional HPLC. Capillary tubing is essential for handling these pressures and achieving the high resolution separations characteristic of UHPLC.

In summary, HPLC capillary tubing is the standard choice for most HPLC applications due to its ability to handle high pressures, minimize band broadening, and provide inertness for sample integrity.

However, there might be some exceptions:

  • Preparative HPLC: For preparative HPLC, where the goal is to isolate large quantities of a specific compound, wider diameter tubing might be used. This allows for higher flow rates needed to process larger sample volumes.
  • Low-pressure applications: For some specialized HPLC applications operating at very low pressures, wider diameter tubing might be acceptable. However, even in these cases, capillary tubing might still offer advantages in terms of minimizing dead volume and improving peak shape.

It’s always best to consult your instrument manual or consult with an experienced HPLC user to determine the most appropriate type of tubing for your specific application.

Frequently Asked Questions

HPLC capillary tubing is a critical component in high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) systems, used to transport the sample and mobile phase through the system under high pressure. 

The tubing is typically made from stainless steel, which offers high mechanical strength, chemical resistance, and durability. The importance of HPLC capillary tubing lies in its ability to maintain the integrity and efficiency of the chromatographic process. High-quality tubing ensures smooth, uninterrupted flow of liquids, minimizes dead volume, and reduces the risk of contamination or sample loss. 

Proper selection of tubing dimensions and materials is crucial for achieving accurate and reproducible results in HPLC analyses.

Selecting the appropriate inner diameter (ID) for HPLC capillary tubing depends on several factors, including the sample volume, desired flow rate, and specific application requirements. Smaller IDs, such as 0.12 mm, are ideal for low flow rates and small sample volumes, providing high resolution and sensitivity. Conversely, larger IDs, such as 0.25 mm, can accommodate higher flow rates and larger sample volumes, making them suitable for preparative or high-throughput applications. It’s essential to match the tubing ID with your HPLC system’s capabilities and the nature of your analytical method to optimize performance and minimize issues such as excessive back pressure or sample dispersion.

Compatibility between HPLC capillary tubing and solvents is crucial to prevent degradation, contamination, and system failure. Key considerations include:

  • Material Compatibility: Ensure the tubing material, typically stainless steel, is chemically resistant to the solvents used. Stainless steel is generally resistant to a wide range of solvents, but certain aggressive chemicals may require alternative materials like PEEK or PTFE.
  • Pressure Resistance: Verify that the tubing can withstand the pressures generated by the HPLC system when using specific solvents, especially those with high viscosity.
  • Temperature Stability: Consider the thermal stability of the tubing material if your analysis involves elevated temperatures.
  • Contamination Risks: Select tubing that minimizes the risk of leaching or adsorption of solvents, ensuring purity and consistency in your results. Properly matching the tubing material with your solvent types will enhance the longevity and reliability of your HPLC system.

The surface finish of HPLC capillary tubing significantly impacts chromatographic performance. A smooth internal surface minimizes friction and turbulence, promoting laminar flow and reducing the risk of sample dispersion. This is crucial for maintaining peak shape and resolution. Rough or uneven surfaces can cause eddy currents and dead volume, leading to peak broadening, tailing, and inconsistent retention times. High-quality HPLC capillary tubing undergoes rigorous polishing and finishing processes to ensure a smooth, consistent internal surface, enhancing flow characteristics, and ensuring reliable, reproducible analytical results. Investing in tubing with superior surface finish is essential for high-precision chromatographic applications.

Proper maintenance practices are essential for extending the lifespan of HPLC capillary tubing and ensuring consistent performance. Key practices include:

  • Regular Cleaning: Flush the tubing with appropriate solvents between runs to remove residual samples and prevent buildup. Periodic cleaning with stronger solvents may be necessary for more stubborn contaminants.
  • Inspect for Wear and Damage: Regularly inspect the tubing for signs of wear, corrosion, or damage, and replace it as needed to avoid leaks and performance issues.
  • Avoid Abrasive Chemicals: Use compatible solvents and avoid abrasive or highly corrosive chemicals that can degrade the tubing material over time.
  • Proper Storage: Store tubing in a clean, dry environment to prevent contamination and corrosion when not in use.
  • Use Filters: Incorporate inline filters to protect the tubing from particulate contamination, which can cause blockages and damage. By following these maintenance practices, you can maximize the lifespan and performance of your HPLC capillary tubing, ensuring reliable and accurate chromatographic results.

Stainless steel is the preferred material for HPLC capillary tubing due to its numerous advantages, including:

  • High Strength and Durability: Stainless steel can withstand high pressures and mechanical stress, making it ideal for high-performance applications.
  • Chemical Resistance: It is resistant to a wide range of chemicals, ensuring compatibility with various solvents and preventing corrosion or degradation.
  • Thermal Stability: Stainless steel maintains its integrity and performance across a broad temperature range, suitable for diverse analytical conditions.
  • Minimal Contamination: The inert nature of stainless steel minimizes the risk of leaching or sample contamination, ensuring purity and reliability in analytical results.
  • Smooth Surface Finish: High-quality stainless steel tubing offers a smooth internal surface, reducing friction, turbulence, and sample loss, which enhances chromatographic performance. These advantages make stainless steel tubing a reliable and robust choice for HPLC systems, providing consistent, high-quality results in various analytical applications.

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