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Types of Guard Column Used in HPLC ?

Types of guard column in HPLC System

Table of Contents

Before Talking Details of Types of Guard Column in HPLC, let check the role of guard columns in HPLC System and Why it is so important to selection a right guard column ? 

The Role of Guard Columns in HPLC Systems

Guard columns are a critical component of any HPLC system. They play an important role in protecting the analytical column, extending its lifetime, and improving the performance of the HPLC system.

  • Guard columns are small columns that are placed before the analytical column in an HPLC system.
  • Guard columns protect the analytical column from damage by trapping particulates and contaminants in the sample.
  • Guard columns can extend the lifetime of the analytical column by reducing the need for cleaning and regeneration.
  • Guard columns can improve the performance of the HPLC system by reducing peak tailing and improving peak symmetry.
Directly Connect HPLC Guard Colum Wholesale and OEM

Importance of Choosing the Right Guard Column

  • The type of guard column should be compatible with the analytical column.
  • The guard column should have the same stationary phase as the analytical column.
  • The guard column should have a similar inner diameter to the analytical column.
  • The guard column should be packed with a frit that is appropriate for the mobile phase being used.

So, The choice of guard column is important for optimal HPLC performance. The guard column should be compatible with the analytical column in terms of stationary phase and inner diameter. 

The guard column should also be packed with a frit that is appropriate for the mobile phase being used. The frit is a small piece of porous material that is placed at the inlet and outlet of the guard column. It helps to prevent particulates from entering the guard column and to distribute the sample evenly across the column bed. 

By choosing the right guard column, you can help to ensure that your HPLC system is performing at its best.

Guard Column of HPLC by uHPLCs

What is a Guard Column?

  • In short, A guard column is a small, disposable column placed before the analytical column in an HPLC system.
  • It typically has the same stationary phase chemistry as the analytical column but with a larger particle size.
  • Guard columns are often shorter in length compared to analytical columns.


Imagine a guard column as a miniature sentry standing guard before a grand palace (the analytical column). This sentry’s job is to intercept any threats before they reach the palace. 

The guard column achieves this by using the same kind of chemical environment (stationary phase) as the analytical column, but with a coarser “filtration system” (larger particles). The shorter length allows for lower backpressure on the system.

Types of Guard Columns

Direct Connect HPLC Inline Filter

Now that you understand the critical role of guard columns in HPLC, let’s explore the different types available to best suit your analytical needs:

1. Cartridge Guard Columns: The Convenience Champions

  • Description: These champions come as pre-packed, easily replaceable modules containing the guard column media.
  • Features: They offer the ultimate convenience when it comes to replacement, especially beneficial for labs dealing with complex sample matrices that require frequent guard column changes. Additionally, they boast a variety of media options to match your specific analytical requirements.
  • Applications: Cartridge guard columns are ideal for busy labs where time is of the essence, and frequent sample matrix changes necessitate easy guard column swaps.

2. In-line Guard Columns: Minimal Volume, Maximum Performance

  • Description: These champions are small columns that connect directly in the flow path before the analytical column, seamlessly integrating into your HPLC system.
  • Features: A key advantage of in-line guard columns is their minimal extra column volume. This translates to reduced band broadening and sharper peaks, crucial for sensitive separations where peak integrity is paramount. The direct connection minimizes the risk of introducing dead volume, further enhancing chromatographic performance.
  • Applications: In-line guard columns are the perfect choice for labs performing separations requiring high sensitivity and minimal peak distortion. They excel in applications where maintaining optimal chromatographic resolution is critical.

3. Direct-Connect Guard Columns: Streamlining Efficiency

  • Description: These champions take the concept of a guard column to the next level. They are designed to attach directly to the analytical column, eliminating the need for extra fittings and tubing connections.
  • Features: By eliminating additional connections, direct-connect guard columns minimize the risk of leaks and potential peak dispersion that can occur with traditional fittings. This translates to cleaner separations and more reliable data.
  • Applications: These champions are best suited for high-throughput labs where time and sample purity are critical. The streamlined design allows for faster sample analysis without compromising chromatographic performance. They are also a valuable choice for labs working with precious samples where minimizing sample loss is essential.


4. Peek Guard Column

PEEK (Polyetheretherketone) guard columns offer a unique alternative to traditional stainless-steel guard columns in HPLC analyses. Here’s a breakdown of their features, functions, and applications:


  • Biocompatibility: PEEK is a biocompatible material, making it ideal for use with biological samples like proteins, peptides, and other biomolecules. It minimizes unwanted interactions with these sensitive samples, ensuring accurate results.
  • Lightweight: Compared to stainless steel, PEEK is significantly lighter. This translates to reduced weight for the entire HPLC system, particularly beneficial for portable or handheld HPLC instruments.
  • Chemical Resistance: PEEK exhibits excellent resistance to a wide range of common HPLC solvents, including organic solvents and acidic/basic mobile phases. This allows for broader compatibility with various analytical methods.
  • Transparency: Some PEEK formulations are transparent, allowing for visual inspection of the column bed for potential issues like channeling or blockage.


Similar to other guard column types, PEEK guard columns play a crucial role in protecting the analytical column:

  • Trapping Particulates: Samples can contain particulates that could damage the frits of the analytical column. PEEK guard columns effectively trap these contaminants before they reach the analytical column, extending its lifespan.
  • Preventing Column Fouling: Strongly retained sample components can accumulate on the analytical column, impacting performance. PEEK guard columns can help to minimize this fouling by selectively retaining these components.
  • Minimizing Band Broadening: PEEK exhibits low extra-column volume, which can contribute to band broadening and peak distortion. This feature helps to maintain sharp peaks and improve chromatographic resolution.


PEEK guard columns are well-suited for specific HPLC applications due to their unique properties:

  • Biomolecule Analysis: The biocompatibility of PEEK makes it a preferred choice for protecting analytical columns used in protein purification, peptide analysis, and other applications involving biological samples.
  • High-Throughput Workflows: The lightweight nature of PEEK guard columns can be advantageous in automated HPLC systems with sample carousels or robotic handling.
  • Method Development: The transparency of some PEEK guard columns allows for visual monitoring of the separation process during method development, aiding in optimization.

However, some limitations exist for PEEK guard columns:

  • Pressure Limitations: PEEK generally has a lower pressure tolerance compared to stainless steel. This might restrict their use in high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) applications with very high pressures.
  • Temperature Sensitivity: While PEEK exhibits good thermal stability, it might not be suitable for extremely high-temperature HPLC methods.

Overall, PEEK guard columns offer a valuable alternative, particularly for biocompatible and high-throughput HPLC applications. When pressure and temperature limitations are considered, they can be a great choice for protecting your analytical column and ensuring optimal performance in your HPLC analyses.


5. Preparative Guard Column

Preparative HPLC deals with purifying larger quantities of sample components compared to analytical HPLC. While the basic principles remain the same, the scale of operation necessitates a different approach to column protection. Here’s where preparative guard columns come in:


  • Larger Dimensions: Preparative guard columns are designed to match the larger diameter of preparative analytical columns (typically 10 mm or wider). This ensures compatibility with the preparative flow rates and sample volumes used in preparative HPLC.
  • Robust Construction: Preparative guard columns are built to withstand the higher pressures associated with preparative HPLC systems. They are often made from thicker-walled stainless steel to handle the increased flow rates and pressures.
  • Scalable Frit Materials: The frits used in preparative guard columns are designed to effectively filter out particulates while maintaining adequate flow characteristics for larger sample volumes.


Just like their analytical counterparts, preparative guard columns serve the critical function of protecting the expensive preparative analytical column. They achieve this by:

  • Trapping Particulates: Samples for preparative HPLC might contain larger particles or debris that could damage the delicate frits of the analytical column. The preparative guard column acts as a sacrificial barrier, capturing these contaminants before they reach the analytical column.
  • Preventing Column Fouling: Strongly retained sample components can accumulate on the analytical column over time, affecting its performance. The preparative guard column can help to minimize this fouling by selectively retaining these components.
  • Extending Analytical Column Lifetime: By protecting the analytical column from damage and fouling, preparative guard columns significantly extend its usable life, saving costs associated with frequent column replacements.


Preparative guard columns are essential for any laboratory performing preparative HPLC purifications. They are particularly beneficial in applications involving:

  • Isolation of Natural Products: Natural products often contain complex matrices with particulates and interfering substances. A preparative guard column helps to protect the analytical column during the purification process.
  • Scale-Up of Analytical Methods: When scaling up an analytical method to preparative scale, a preparative guard column ensures smooth operation and protects the expensive preparative column.
  • High-Throughput Preparative Workflows: In labs with high sample loads, preparative guard columns minimize downtime by reducing the need for frequent cleaning or regeneration of the analytical column.
peek guard column HPLC

C18 Guard Column is Necessary ?

C18 guard column is not absolutely necessary for every single run with a C18 analytical column, but it’s highly recommended for several reasons:

  • Extends Analytical Column Lifetime: The primary function of a guard column is to protect your expensive C18 analytical column. It traps contaminants, particulates, and strongly retained sample components that could damage or foul the analytical column. This significantly extends the lifespan and maintains the performance of your analytical column, saving you money on replacements.

  • Improves Chromatographic Performance: A guard column can help you achieve cleaner separations and more reliable data. By removing interferences from the sample matrix before they reach the analytical column, you can minimize peak tailing and improve peak shapes. This leads to more accurate quantification and better resolution of closely eluting analytes.

  • Reduces Downtime and Maintenance: Guard columns act as a sacrificial barrier, taking the brunt of sample impurities. This reduces the frequency of cleaning and regeneration required for your C18 analytical column, minimizing downtime and maintenance needs.

Here are some situations where a C18 guard column might not be strictly necessary:

  • Simple Samples: If you’re consistently running very clean samples with minimal particulates or complex matrices, the risk of damaging your analytical column might be lower. However, a guard column can still offer some benefits in terms of performance consistency.

  • Limited Budget: Guard columns add some additional cost to your HPLC operation. If budget is a major concern, you might forgo a guard column for occasional use. However, consider the potential cost savings from extending the life of your analytical column.

  • Very Short Runs: For very short analytical runs where column protection is less critical, you might choose to skip the guard column. However, even short runs can benefit from the filtering effect of a guard column, especially if sample cleanliness is uncertain.

Overall, using a C18 guard column with your C18 analytical column is a best practice. It’s a small investment that can significantly enhance the performance, lifetime, and overall cost-effectiveness of your HPLC analyses.

C18 Guard Column HPLC

Selection Criteria for Guard Columns You Must Know

Now that you understand the importance of guard columns in HPLC and the different types available, let’s delve into the factors that influence the selection of the most suitable guard column for your analytical needs:

1. Analyte Properties:

  • Molecular Size: Consider the size of your target analytes. The guard column frit should be appropriate to prevent larger sample components from entering the analytical column. A finer frit might be necessary for very small analytes to ensure they aren’t filtered out by the guard column.

  • Chemical Properties: The guard column stationary phase should be compatible with the analyte’s chemical properties. For example, if you’re analyzing highly polar analytes on a C18 analytical column, a C18 guard column would be a suitable choice.

2. Column Compatibility:

  • Stationary Phase Matching: For optimal protection and performance, the guard column should ideally match the stationary phase chemistry of the analytical column. This ensures similar interaction with the sample components and maintains the intended separation mechanism.

  • Particle Size Selection: The guard column typically uses a larger particle size compared to the analytical column. This allows it to trap contaminants more effectively without causing excessive backpressure in the system. Common choices are 5-10 µm for analytical columns with 3 µm particles and 10-15 µm for those with 5 µm particles.

3. Sample Matrix Complexity:

  • Particulate Content: If your samples contain high levels of particulates, a guard column with a more robust frit material might be necessary. A tighter frit can effectively filter out these contaminants before they reach the analytical column.

  • Matrix Interferences: Complex sample matrices can introduce interferences that could affect peak shapes and quantification. Choosing a guard column with a suitable stationary phase can help to minimize these interferences by selectively retaining unwanted matrix components.

4. Matching Guard Column Material:

Using a guard column with the same stationary phase and a larger particle size as the analytical column offers several advantages:

  • Optimal Protection: The guard column acts as a sacrificial barrier, selectively trapping contaminants that would otherwise damage the analytical column.
  • Efficient Separations: Matching the stationary phase ensures consistent interaction with the analytes, leading to reproducible peak shapes and reliable separations.
  • Minimal Band Broadening: The larger particle size in the guard column minimizes band broadening, which can distort peaks and affect resolution.

After carefully considering these selection criteria, think you can choose the most appropriate guard column to effectively protect your analytical column, optimize chromatographic performance, and ensure the accuracy and reliability of your HPLC analyses.

Preparative Guard Column OEM Supplier

Application of Guard Column

In the diverse world of HPLC applications, the specific needs can vary greatly. Here’s how different guard column characteristics can be advantageous in various fields:

1. Pharmaceuticals:

  • Challenge: Biological samples in pharmaceutical analysis can be highly complex, containing proteins, salts, and other interferences.
  • Guard Column Solution: For pharmaceutical applications, robust guard columns are crucial. These might include:
    • Guard columns with stronger frits: These frits can effectively filter out larger biomolecules and particulates that could clog the analytical column.
    • Biocompatible guard columns: These guard columns are specifically designed for compatibility with biological samples, minimizing unwanted interactions that could affect peak shapes or analyte recovery.

2. Environmental Analysis:

  • Challenge: Environmental samples, such as soil or wastewater, often contain high levels of particulates and debris.
  • Guard Column Solution: Guard columns for environmental analysis should be equipped to handle these challenging samples. Here are some key features:
    • Guard columns with larger pore size frits: These frits allow for better flow-through of the sample matrix while still trapping larger contaminants that could damage the analytical column.
    • Durable guard column materials: Environmental samples might contain harsh chemicals. Using guard columns made from inert and corrosion-resistant materials ensures they can withstand these conditions.

3. Food and Beverage Analysis:

  • Challenge: Food and beverage samples present a diverse range of matrices, from sugary products to fatty oils.
  • Guard Column Solution: There’s no single “one-size-fits-all” guard column for food and beverage analysis. However, some considerations include:
    • Guard columns with specific selectivities: Depending on the analytes of interest (e.g., sugars, acids, or caffeine), guard columns with tailored stationary phases can be chosen to selectively retain matrix components that might interfere with the target analytes.
    • Guard columns with wider pH stability: Food and beverage samples can have a wide range of pH values. Choosing guard columns with a broader pH tolerance ensures they can function effectively under various conditions.

By understanding the specific challenges of each application and carefully selecting the appropriate guard column characteristics, you can optimize your HPLC analyses and achieve reliable results across diverse sample matrices. 

Leading HPLC Guard Column Suppliers

Several leading manufacturers offer high-quality guard columns to suit various HPLC applications. Here’s a glimpse into some popular brands and their product lines:

  • Agilent Technologies:

    • Products: Agilent offers a comprehensive range of ZORBAX and Poroshell guard columns.
    • Features: These guard columns are known for their high performance, broad chemical compatibility, and ability to protect analytical columns across diverse analytical needs.
  • Waters Corporation:

    • Products: Waters Corporation caters to the ultra-performance liquid chromatography (UPLC) segment with their UPLC® and ACQUITY UPLC® system guard columns.
    • Features: Designed specifically for UPLC systems, these guard columns prioritize high efficiency and compatibility with UPLC workflows.
  • Thermo Fisher Scientific:

    • Products: Thermo Fisher Scientific offers guard columns under the Hypersil and Accucore brands.
    • Features: These guard columns are known for providing excellent protection for analytical columns with minimal impact on peak shape, ensuring reliable and high-quality separations.
  • Merck (Sigma-Aldrich):

    • Products: Merck offers Supelguard guard columns as part of their chromatography product line.
    • Features: Supelguard guard columns are known for their good chemical stability, making them suitable for a wide range of applications and mobile phase conditions.


Introduce uHPLCs' Guard Column

uHPLCs is a leading manufacturer specializing in high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) consumables, and guard columns are known for their quality and compatibility with various HPLC systems. Here’s a closer look at uHPLCs’ guard columns within the context of direct HPLC guard columns:

Direct HPLC Guard Columns:

  • Function: These champions of column protection are essentially an extension of the analytical column. They share the same stationary phase and particle size but are directly fused or fruited to the analytical column, eliminating the need for separate fittings and tubing connections.
  • Benefits:
    • Eliminates Leaks and Peak Dispersion: By removing extra connection points, direct-connect guard columns minimize the risk of leaks that can disrupt the flow and cause peak broadening. This leads to cleaner separations and more reliable data.
    • Streamlined Efficiency: The direct connection design allows for faster sample analysis by eliminating steps involved in attaching and detaching separate guard columns. This is advantageous for high-throughput labs processing numerous samples.

uHPLCs’ Guard Columns as Direct HPLC Guard Columns:

  • Compatibility: uHPLCs manufactures direct-connect guard columns compatible with a wide range of HPLC column brands and specifications. We offer custom solutions to ensure a perfect fit for your existing analytical column.
  • Quality Materials: uHPLC guard columns are known for using high-quality 316 stainless steel, which ensures durability and resistance to corrosion from various mobile phases.
  • Variety of Options: uHPLCs offers a variety of direct-connect guard column dimensions, from standard sizes to custom configurations, to cater to specific analytical column requirements.
  • Lower Dead Volume Design: uHPLCs prioritize minimizing dead volume in their guard column designs. This translates to improved peak efficiency and sharper peak shapes in your analyses.

Compared to Other Direct HPLC Guard Columns:

While most direct-connect guard columns offer similar benefits, uHPLCs emphasize strict process control and high-quality materials in their manufacturing process. This focus translates to:

  • Consistent Performance: You can expect reliable protection and minimal impact on chromatographic performance from their guard columns.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: uHPLCs guard columns are also known because of competitive pricing, factory price and supply directly, making a valuable option for labs seeking a balance between performance and budget.

Overall, uHPLCs’ guard columns are a strong choice for researchers and analysts seeking high-quality, directly connected guard columns to optimize the performance and lifetime of their analytical columns in HPLC analyses.

Then, choosing the most suitable guard column for your specific needs depends on various factors like the type of analytical column you’re using, the properties of your samples, and your budget. 

Consulting the manufacturer’s recommendations and specifications is always recommended to ensure optimal performance and compatibility.

Contact uHPLCs

We’re eager to hear from you! 

Whether you have personal experiences, insightful anecdotes, or questions about guard columns in HPLC, please share them in the comments below. Your feedback and queries not only enrich our community’s knowledge but also help us to serve you better.

For specific inquiries or if you need detailed assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out. You can contact us directly at sales@uhplcs.com or visit our Contact page to send your inquiry. We look forward to assisting you with your HPLC needs and ensuring you get the most out of your chromatography systems!

About uHPLCs

UHPLCs is a leading manufacturer of HPLC columns and consumables for liquid chromatography. The company offers a wide range of products, including empty HPLC columns, solvent filters, guard columns, inline HPLC columns, and PEEK consumables. uHPLCs’ products are used in a variety of applications, including pharmaceutical, biotechnology, environmental, and food safety analysis.

UHPLCs is committed to providing high-quality products and services to its customers. The company has a strong team of engineers and scientists who are dedicated to developing innovative products and solutions. uHPLCs also has a global network of distributors and sales representatives who can provide support to customers around the world.

If you are looking for a reliable supplier of HPLC columns and consumables, uHPLCs is the perfect choice. The company’s products are of the highest quality and its services are unmatched in the industry.

HPLC System Connect Diagram by uHPLCs



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